Not far from Karmravor and Tsiranavor Churches, there lie the ruins of the third church – Spitakavor. According to the legend, three sisters from Ashtarak fell in love with the same young man named Sargis. The elder sisters decided to sacrifice themselves for the happiness of the youngest one and threw themselves into the gorge. The youngest sister learned what had happened and threw herself into the gorge after them. Sargis built three churches in the memory of the sisters and named them by the colours of the dresses they wore on the day they died: Karmravor (“Reddish”), Tsiranavor (“Appricot-ish”) and Spitakavor (“Whitish”). Subsequently, a small church of St. Sargis was erected on the spot from where opens a spectacular view of all three churches. There is another version of the origin of the churches’ names explained by the color of Saint Mary’s handkerchief depicted on the frescoes in each church.