
Tyarndaraj, celebrated on the 14th of February, is one of the most favourite holidays in Armenia. The roots of the holiday go back to the pagan times. It was ritually called Trndez, translated as “a sheaf of hay in front of your house”. In the past, the vital power was attributed to the fire, while the fire of tonir - Armenian traditional oven in the ground - was considered to be sacred. Armenians lit a bonfire near the temples and in the yards and worshipped the fire. The event was accompanied by music and various games. After Armenia adopted Christianity, both the name of the holiday and its essence changed. People started celebrating it as a Candlemas Day or the Presentation of the Lord. When the 40-day old Jesus was taken to the church by his parents, Simeon (the God-receiver) met them there. It explains where the name of the holiday (Tyarndaraj) comes from – “before the Lord”, “to go forward to meet the Lord”. Still the day is celebrated by lighting bonfires and jumping over them, and it is largely believed that fire cures and brings luck to young people, in particular.